North Wilkes High School

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Public Notice

Graduation Project Completion


NOTE: Graduation Project is no longer required for graduation in Wilkes County, but for students who wish to complete it on their own, this page contains all of the requirements. 


Most students want a quick overview of what's required to get credit. Here's a brief explanation of the four components:

  1. Research Paper - This paper should relate to your project topic in some way and is completed junior year. A "Works Cited" (bibliography) and in-text (or parenthetical) source references are required.
  2. Project Hours - You are required to spend at least 7 hours under the direction of a mentor working to complete your project (job shadowing, volunteering, learning a skill, etc.). You may not use paid hours or CTE internship hours, and you should not use regular class hours as project hours. 
  3. Graduation Project Documents - These documents will guide and record activities as you complete your hours. They will document approved project ideas, your mentor's contact information, activities completed, your reflection upon completion of hours, etc. GP1 and GP3 will need to be filled out on paper. Keep a Google file in your drive with your copies of GP2, GP4, & GP5. Let your English IV teacher know when you are ready to share the file. 
  4. Graduation Project Presentation - This presentation will be arranged after completion of your hours and approval of your documentation. The judges viewing your presentation will use this rubric to score your presentation: Presentation Scoring Rubric. On your designated presentation day, you will give a formal presentation (including a Google Slides show or a PowerPoint presentation which informs the audience about your Grad Project activities from start to finish. The slideshow should include: 
      • Title slide with your name and project title
      • A brief summary of your research paper topic(s)
      • Several slides to show what you did for your hours (need photos to show your progress through the hours; chronological order is usually best)
      • Explain some of the things you learned from this project
      • Thank the audience and judges
      • Final slide should end the presentation by asking "Are there any questions?"