North Wilkes High School

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Ashley Anglin: Class of 2005

ashley anglin - class of 2005
North Wilkes High School Alumni
Ashley Anglin
Q: Year graduated from North Wilkes:
A: 2005
Q: List any education/degrees beyond high school:
A: Bachelors of science (concentration in Cardiopulmonary Science)
Q: List Professional/Career Experience and why you chose your career path:
A: Registered Respiratory Therapist and current Medical Sales Rep. I was always interested in all things medicine as I was in the hospital a lot as a kid. Healthcare is also something that produces longevity in a job, it’s not something we can live without.
Q: If you could go back and give yourself advice as a high school student, what advice would you give and why. What advice would you give to high school students today?
A: I think Shakespeare says it best in Hamlet, “To thine own self be true.” I think living intentionally and authentically is important and a lost art. Definitely not something I was giving a lot of thought in high school and I wish I had.
Q: Feel free to share how your NWHS education and experiences positively impacted your life: (can be a teacher/staff member, class, overall, etc.)
A: I learned a million life lessons in Mr. Noble’s yearbook class. It was the only place I wanted to be. It helped me be more of myself in high school and otherwise I may have withheld that portion of myself. It taught me leadership skills, strong work ethic, and about deadlines.... things that we all encounter in the rat race of life.
Q: Any additional information about family, career, etc you would like to share?
A: Currently a medical sales rep for Advanced Home care and part time yoga instructor